Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Change broke my heart...

Pertama sekali........aku nk ucapkan alhamdulillah ke hadrat illahi kerana dgn berkatnye aku berjya lulus dlm semua subjek utk sem nie..............and alhamdulillah english aku exit or in other word no more english in cfs iium for me.........but there is one things yang make me down that is aku x dpt tukar program ke law disebabkn pointer tidak mencukupi......tapi takpelah aslkn aku dh usaha utk mencapainya but allah has determined what is best for me.....mgkin betullah ckp ayah aku....mungkin rezeki aku di human science bknnye di x pelah...aku akn teros berusaha until i get what i want.........because give up is only for loser and i am not a loser........thank...u...peace and chow.......